Sunday, August 23, 2009


Alright. Update time!

Swimming--Salt Lake Country Club Championships were held August 4&5. I raced 3 individual events (Breast, IM and Fly) and 2 relays (free, medley). In Semi-finals, i dropped a second off my breastroke time which ended up as a 37.74. i was seated 2nd!(: then i went about the same time in finals and got second. which made me mad because i was so set on first. but oh well(:
then in semi-finals the next day, I dropped 3 seconds in my IM! from a 1:17 to a 1:14! thats what i call awesome(: then i dropped a second in my fly and that brought me to a 31:58. I was going for the pepperwood record (30:34) but oh well. then i went about the same in finals.

Trek--Great experience. I learned alot about the pioneers and what suffering and trials they went through. I got a better understanding about it. I always knew that they went through hard times, but hearing the stories and such made me realize what they really went through. my friend Mark and his dad sang a song called "prayer of a walking child" with "come, come ye saints" intertwined in it. wow. let me tell ya, that was amazing. Yeah, if you get the chance to go on trek, go.

Park City--uber fun! Me and my best frienn jessie went up there for part of the week. we hung out at the pool, the lounge, our room, and went on the alpine coaster and zipline! so fun. let me tell ya... (:

School Shopping--i got lotsa new clothes(: i love to shop. :P I can't believe school starts in 3 days! thats crazy. i want more summer. i'm not ready for homework yet!

Boys--I don't like anyone at the moment. Those boys, they're fun to flirt with but i don't like them anymore. I do kinda have this thing for this guy who i'm really close to but i don't want to ruin our "brother/sister" relationship because my stupid emotions got in the way. so i'm keepin it the way it is.


Monday, August 3, 2009

is in a delimma.

well. i eliminated two of the guys. and added another one. the thing is, these guys are really close. and sometimes i think they both like me. so if i go for one and something happens, i completely miss the chance to go for the other one. Its so hard.
i don't wanna ruin the chance with hmm... lets say tyler. i've been working hard to get him and i think i've almost got him but now that the new guy has entered the picture i'm not sure i wanna do anything. But he kinda already told me he's gonna ask me out when school starts but idk because he isn't the kind of guy i'm gonna hold to that. but hes so sweet at times and i really like him.
i'm leaning toward... lets call him jim. hes so outgoing, fun, sweet and just up for anything! i kinda want him to be my summer romance and hey if it cuts into school well thats just cool! (:

what do you think i should do in this situation?

New Years Resolutions!!!!

*stop biting my nails
*make new friends
*qualify for state
*date a l o t
*be like buddah and refrain from worldly things... ;)

SAGITTARIUS (The Promiscuous One)

Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in the you know where..!!! Not the kind of person you wanna mess with, you might end up crying.

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My Faith

My Faith
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints