Thursday, October 16, 2008


Oh my gosh! So k Kaylee slept over last night (WE HAD A BLAST!!!) But last night we were scootering down the street, with no hands, not very easy-don't try this at home, we are professionals!- haha but then my crush's brother (NERD! HAHA jk he rocks my socks!) hes like 16, texted me and was like
"k haha i'm home from football"
and so i said "k haha well were on yer street! i can see yer house!!!"
so he came outside. then THE CUTEST HOTTEST KID (his brother of who i have a crush on)
came out too!!!! and he was like
"hey is that [my brother(he really said his name but i'm not going to say it)]???"
and so they were talking and I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!!!! Freak! Ugh!
so...yeah. but ironic, he didn't say anything to me either!!!
But another coincidence, on sunday when I walked into sacrament, The 16-year old saw me, smiled, waved, and then whispered something to the hot one!!! but when I asked him after church, He said
"oh well i just smiled at you"
NO! HE DIDN'T! and so then last night when my crush walked out and started talking to him, HE WHISPERED SOMETHING!!! and the coincidence:
THIS makes me so mad. He won't tell me what he said!!! Lauren thinks that he really likes me, but won't talk to me, so the 16 Y.O. was saying something like "oh look theres haylee!" or something. I dunno.
I'm just a freak when it comes to boys. ugh, i hate it.
So yeah, there is what i did last night



Ali said...

Nice Haylee.

Logan said...

WoW ha ha sounds like he likes ya! :P

The Bach 10 said...

i think he likes YOU !!!!

Tayler :)

Anonymous said...

guys...i'm starting to think so too! like it totally seems impossible...but im starting to think he does!...

The Bach 10 said...

i think he dose like you Haylee !!!


Clair! said...

wow. funny! u have a crus on this kid who has a crush on you and neither of you guys talk to each other. :D funny!

Anonymous said...

its depressing!!! :[ he won't call me...and idk if he likes me but it kinda seems like it!!!

The Bach 10 said...

if he dose call you email me!!!!


The Bach 10 said...

if he dose call you email me!!!!


Sadie Michelle said...

yOU hAvE bEEn bOO-Ed!!

Anonymous said...

haha i've been bOOEd!!!

New Years Resolutions!!!!

*stop biting my nails
*make new friends
*qualify for state
*date a l o t
*be like buddah and refrain from worldly things... ;)

SAGITTARIUS (The Promiscuous One)

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